Financial Services + Public Sector consulting show best prospects for growth

There are some fascinating results emerging from our first Quarterly Barometer of the Consulting Industry (if you haven't taken part yet, click here to do so right away).

The respective health of the US and UK consulting markets are portrayed - as viewed by you our readers. We also look at the consulting sectors that hold the best promise for growth and the preliminary results show consultants are very bullish about prospects for the following sectors:
  • Public Sector
  • Financial Services
  • Healthcare & Pharma
  • Telecoms, Media & Entertainment

Also fascinating are the new technologies and emerging business trends that you feel will present consultancies with considerable new revenue streams in the next years. The full report will be published at the end of the quarter. To be one of the first to receive a free copy of this, simply take part in the short survey today.

Rgds, Tony